Wednesday 18 June 2008

Sex And The City - Cattrall Denied A Role In Play Over Age

SEX AND THE CITY star KIM CATTRALL was turned down for a role in award-winning play EDUCATING RITA because she was too old.

The 51-year-old was so desperate to land a part in the famous stage production - set in her native Liverpool, England - she personally contacted playwright Willy Russell to talk him into hiring her.

Cattrall was turned down over her age, with Russell insisting he would prefer a young actress in the title role.

But Cattrall is not bitter about the snub.

She says, "I contacted Willy Russell a few years ago because I wanted to do a version (of Educating Rita). The idea was to make it about a working-class woman in her 40s, a woman's realisation of herself and the different possibilities for her.

"But he said it had been written for an actress in her 20s, which I respected."

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